A better way

Jennifer Lentfer
9 min readAug 5, 2024

I sent this postcard above to my dear friend and collaborator Amanda Lindamood in 2022. We had met each other as members of a church in Washington, D.C. that had been repeatedly targeted by white supremacists, and that struggled with how best to support the Black Lives Matter movement as a historically white congregation.

As we led conversations for the stewardship committee together, we attempted to build members’ muscles for self-reflection and collective discernment. This meant actively identifying our default assumptions rooted in oppressive systems, and narrating and challenging our worldviews…which included challenging our self-identification as “good, liberal Christian people.”

It was not simple, but both Amanda and I, who had experience supporting movements and survivors, believed that transforming institutions meant challenging our fundamental ways of working.

There has to be a better way.

Better than leaving power structures unchallenged. Better than tolerating toxic working relationships. Better than overriding people’s consent. Better than burning people out.

We are taking all that we have learned and offering what we believe is the next evolution of “skills sets” professionals need to reshape how we relate to each other and to our colleagues and collaborators.

There has to be a better way.

And it takes practice. And it takes a group in which to hone these skills. Let’s face it. It’s risky to learn “out loud” in our workplaces. Professional models of leadership rooted in dominant culture prepare and require us to be “experts” — to present ourselves as knowledgable, self-confident, decisive, and always having the answer.

That makes it really hard to develop new skills at work, particularly those that help us recognize and address power imbalances. Our professional, organization-related identities provide the setting for self-knowledge that transfers into group dynamics. Honing observation skills and having templates for giving and receiving feedback contributes to more chosen organizational cultures, rather than unconscious interactions and inherited dysfunction.

How are you practicing learning on a regular basis? What resources are you putting towards your learning on a professional AND a personal basis?

I mean, we are talking about human endeavors that involve entire groups of people and their varied experiences, choices, behaviors, and patterns! It is important for us to share and build other tactics, skills, and tools we can use and trust at this time.

As facilitators, we want to help others explore what is required for more shared discernment and inclusive decision-making within hierarchical institutions. To telling more stories and sharing more lived experiences. To more readily naming the elephant in the room and having more difficult conversations. To building our muscles to “normalize” consent, responsibility and repair, grief and release within our teams. To lasering in on where change feasibly has and can occur inside ourselves and our own organizations first.

Consider yourself invited to the following six group learning spaces (two six-week cohorts and four stand alone) with myself, Jennifer Lentfer, and my trusted colleague Amanda Lindamood. For each of these topics, we offer original authored content, instructional frameworks, formative opportunities for peer-to-peer learning, and skillful co-facilitation, plus invitations to practice and integrate learnings in your organizational context. Be sure to be included on the mailing list for when groups are full and dates are selected via this google form: https://forms.gle/eLdtZkyWfJNkBPqU6

<iframe src=”https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfYhMKdUgMyPgFRVPhcF68gOOj_17CikIseITZ1Y-CykE7suw/viewform?embedded=true" width=”640" height=”1684" frameborder=”0" marginheight=”0" marginwidth=”0">Loading…</iframe>

Six-week group learning spaces

The topics of these learning spaces reflect two areas of support often sought–how to design and facilitate a meeting, and how to create strong supervisory relationships. Both represent essential functions in our organizations, and represent a wide range of experiences good and otherwise.

Ever been in a meeting and left disappointed in the facilitators? We’ve all been there, observant of dynamics that were not addressed in a group space, and outcomes that led to for attendees. What if that disappointed feeling was replaced with additional preparation? What if those insights pondered as correction or follow up were applied to the design phase? This cohort is a space to view yourself as a facilitator, and consider the elements of meetings that can be both more effective and more equitable. Over the course of six sessions, cohorts will explore the themes of space, intervention and self knowledge, and how to complement and strengthen healthier group dynamics.

Cost: US$750

(Space is limited to 15 people.)

There is a familiar axiom in relationships that says ‘move at the speed of trust’. In this short phrase it’s made clear that having expectations and pacing in relationships is important, and this is equally true in our workplaces. The relationships we have with people we supervise ripple into larger attitudes and behaviors in an organization, making these relationships highly influential. How are you thinking about that influence and role? How would you like to think about it? What considerations are you open to reevaluating? This cohort is a space to view yourself as a supervisor, and consider the elements of supervision that can be intentional from the beginning. Over the course of six sessions, cohorts will explore the themes of expectations, formality and socialization, and how to anticipate and model behaviors that foster a trusted relationship with a supervisor.

Cost: US$750

(Space is limited to 15 people.)

Stand alone sessions

Within our discussions and frameworks, accountability is a word with many disconnected and incongruent meanings. We might hear accountability and think of punishment, or roll our eyes because it feels meaningless or heavy handed within our workplaces. This session considers one aspect of accountability–motivation, and provides a group exercise to clarify our relationship with both the word and practices of accountability we can imagine and apply to ourselves. This 90 minute virtual space will guide participants in these thought exercises. Registration is required to participate, and the number of spots are limited.

Cost: US$75

(Space is limited to 25 people.)

Have you ever had an intense response at work and thought to yourself, “I don’t know where that came from.” Or alternatively, have you found yourself caring less, struggling to focus, becoming less aware of yourself and the people around you. You might be experiencing a trigger, brought on by overwhelming stress and experiences that have shaped our brain and body’s support needs. Humanizing this part of work benefits our workplaces, and changes how we interpret and observe what is happening within us and around us. The focus of this session is to give context and provide examples of how workplace triggers might show up. A follow up session will provide tips for how to respond when you’re triggered at work. This 90 minute virtual space will guide participants in these thought exercises. Registration is required to participate, and the number of spots are limited.

Cost: US$75

(Space is limited to 25 people.)

This follow up session picks up where getting triggered at work left off, and asks the next important question–how can I handle this? This session aims to illuminate options, offer self led exercises, and allow participants to have new examples of how to take care of themselves when they’re triggered. It is disingenuous to distinguish between taking care of ourselves personally and professionally when it comes to overwhelming amounts of stress, and our responsibility is to integrate gaps in our existing thinking and responses when it comes to triggers. Let a group of people who’ve been there too help us move past the embarrassment and disorientation together. This 90 minute virtual space will guide participants in these thought exercises. Registration is required to participate, and the number of spots are limited.

Cost: US$75

(Space is limited to 25 people.)

Communication is one of those areas where we can forget our choicefulness, or never experiment with how to use our public voice. Choicefulness is what allows us to draw on options without coercion, and to move beyond defaults that limit us or feel restrictive. Join an experienced communications professional in examining necessary and helpful self questions that enable less friction and separation between what you believe and what you say, and feel encouraged to be choiceful in using your public voice. This 90 minute virtual space will guide participants in these thought exercises. Registration is required to participate, and the number of spots are limited.

Cost: US$75

(Space is limited to 25 people.)

Questions? Feel free to check out the FAQs below, or get in touch with the facilitators at: email.howmatters@gmail.com.

Who is this series for?

These group learning spaces are for professionals who’ve ever been responsible for a shared project, instructed a new team member, pitched an idea to a department, or carried out a meeting. They are for ‘people who facilitate’, and ‘people who supervise’ in their workplaces, and the full diversity of how that can look.

Why these sessions? Why now?

Our time and energy is valuable and limited, yet shared group learning spaces continue to be an unmet need for many professionals. We have more time back in our days when the steps we take as professionals support our effectiveness and collaboration. Peer learning is an investment in that goal.

What is the format?

The group, or peer-to-peer, learning spaces will offer structured opportunities for peer-to-peer learning, plus invitations to practice and integrate learnings in your organizational context.

Facilitators provide original authored content and skillful co-facilitation. Participants will take away practical understandings for their workplaces.

Who are the co-facilitators?

Jennifer Lentfer is a farm girl turned international aid worker turned leadership coach, and creator of the blog, how-matters.org. Amanda Lindamood is a postpartum doula, organizational consultant, creative educator, and freelance writer with multidisciplinary experience and training.

How are the costs for the sessions determined?

The cost for this series of six sessions directly supports the livelihoods of the facilitators and the value of the content. These group learning spaces are independently sponsored by the co-facilitators, and not institutionally backed.

The costs are structured to honor time, talents, and experience of the facilitators. Your payment is an investment in a depth of engagement not often provided within our workplaces.

Do I have to attend all sessions to participate in the six-week cohorts?

No, though we very much encourage participants who have registered to commit to attending all six sessions if able. Participants should come to sequential sessions, since they are designed together and each session will build upon the last. You have to attend earlier sessions to come to later ones.

Our professional, organization-related identities provide the setting for self knowledge that transfers into group dynamics. Commitment and consistency strengthen our ability to sustain learning over time and under pressure, enabling more fully integrated tools and understandings. Honing observation skills in a group and having templates contributes to more chosen organizational cultures, rather than unconscious ones.

How to register?

Complete the Google form above to indicate your interest. Once we have a full group and dates are selected, we will contact you with an invitation to formally register and guarantee your spot in the group learning space. You’ll then receive payment instructions, the appropriate zoom link(s) and additional info. If you need to pay in installments, please contact us.

Why a closed group?

Learning is vulnerable, especially in a group setting. The facilitators honor the risk taking participants engage in through participation. Closed groups provide a shared starting point of commitment and regularity, minimizing uneven participation. To protect participants’ confidentiality, full recordings will not be made.

I am taking a chance on these facilitators and fellow participants–can I really be honest?

Our hope is that you will gain inspiration, energy, and practical ideas from frankly sharing your experiences with each other. All participation will be voluntary and self-directed. These sessions will not be recorded and confidentiality practices will be discussed.

More questions?

Get in touch with the facilitators at: email.howmatters@gmail.com.

And be sure to be included on the mailing list for when new dates are available and for future offerings via this google form: https://forms.gle/eLdtZkyWfJNkBPqU6



Jennifer Lentfer
Jennifer Lentfer

Written by Jennifer Lentfer

(Re)sister of ahistorical or apolitical social change efforts. Creator of how-matters.org. Poet, writer, nonprofit leadership coach. #globaldev #philanthropy

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